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What expenses can you deduct?

What expenses can you deduct?

To ensure that a business does not pay more income tax than it needs to, it is important that a deduction is claimed for all allowable expenses. The rules on what constitutes deductible expenditure can be confusing. They also depend on whether the accounts are...
Cycle to work tax-free

Cycle to work tax-free

As the cost-of-living crisis deepens, many employees are looking to save money. One option is to cut the cost of the commute by cycling to work. There can be tax benefits for this too. Exemption for employer-provided cycles Employees can enjoy the use of...
MTD for VAT for all

MTD for VAT for all

Under Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT, VAT-registered traders must keep electronic records and file their VAT returns electronically using software that is compatible with MTD for VAT. Prior to 1 April 2022, MTD for VAT was only mandatory for VAT-registered traders...
Claiming NIC veterans’ relief from April 2022

Claiming NIC veterans’ relief from April 2022

To encourage employers to employ armed forces veterans, a new relief was introduced with effect from 6 April 2021 where an employer took on an armed forces veteran in the first year of their first civilian employment since leaving the armed forces. Nature of the...